Thursday, October 25, 2007

Technology For Your Body

Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress the function of the immune system which can contribute to degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, to name a few. There is overwhelming evidence confirming that vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and the overall condition of your health. But now after 18 years of research, the patented FIA™ (Functional Intracellular Analysis) allows you to measure levels of selected vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential micronutrients within your white blood cells giving pin point accuracy of deficiencies.

Unlike traditional serum, hair, and urine tests, it provides a complete picture of an individual's functional intracellular nutritional status. This detailed nutritional information opens a "window on intracellular function".

How does it work? First, the cells are stimulated to grow in the control media which contain optimal amounts of each micronutrient analyzed. Then each micronutrient is removed from the medium, one at a time. The growth of your cells under these different conditions reveals possible deficiencies. If your cells grow well, they are not deficient. If our cells do not grow well, then a micronutrient deficiency is indicated. For example, when vitamin B12 is removed from the medium and cell growth is not sufficient, then it's concluded that your lymphocytes have a B12 deficiency.

FIA™ was developed at the University of Texas, by the Clayton Foundation for Research, as a diagnostic blood test for helping clinicians assess the intracellular function of essential micronutrients and is the only vitamin analysis covered by insurance / medicare.

To find out more about the vitamin analysis visit for more information.
Tammy Adams is the Owner of Personalized Lab Services, LLC. We believe that good nutrition is vital for staying healthy and preventing disease.
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